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Owners’ Equivalent Rent Lags Changes in Housing Affordability Since 1997

Owners Equivalent.png

Risk of stock market loss since 1926

Risk of stock market loss since 1926.png

Average Annualized Returns After New Market Highs

Average Annualized Returns After Market.png

Relative Strength: US Stocks vs European Stocks Since 1970

Relative Strength_US Stocks vs European.png

US and Euro Area Earnings Since 1980

US and EURO Area Earnings Since 1980.png

Average Annualized Returns After Market Decline of More than 10%

Average Annualized Returns After.png

Developed International Stocks and US Stocks: Declines from All-Time Highs Since 1970

Developed International Stocks and US Stocks.png

Emerging-Markets Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Emerging Markets Stocks.png

Developed International Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Developed International Stocks.png

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential: US Stocks-International Stocks Since 1975

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential.png

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