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Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index Versus Barclays Global High Yield Since 1992

MSCI vs Barclays.png

Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index Versus ML Global Government Bond Index Since 1992

MSCI vs Bond.png

Households' Stock Allocation Near-Record

Households' Stock Allocation Near-Record.png

Yield Curve Not Yet Inverted

Yield Curve .png

Currency Movements Affect Equity Performance Since 1995

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The More You Lose, The Longer It Takes to Break Even

The More you Lose.png

Commodity Cycles Have Been Shortening Since 1803

Commodity Cycles.png

Outside the US, Equity Valuations Are Now in Line with Post 2002 Averages Since 1998

Outside the US.png

Rolling 36-Month Sharpe Ratio, S&P 500 Since 1980

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DAXK Weekly Since 1999


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