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Managed Futures and Trend-Following Managed Futures Returns from 2000-2016

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Average Excess Annual Returns 2008-2016

Excess Returns Before+After Taxes.png

EM Outperforms EAFE 66% of Periods with Similar Premiums

EM vs EAFE Rolling 3-Yr Returns.png

Historical Correlation to U.S. Stocks by Asset Type

Correlation to US Stocks.png

Active Fund Beat Rates by Category

Beat Rates Before+After Taxes_Morningstar.png

Average Beat Rates Trend Downward Since 2008

Beat Rates Before+After Taxes.png

Major Pullbacks of S&P 500 and Volatility Index Surges


How Active Funds Performed Against Passive Funds


S&P 500 Earnings Yield vs Subsequent 10-Year Real Return


Global Negative Rates Make US Sovereign Debt Attractive


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