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U.S. Stocks vs. 10-Year Treasuries Returns Since 1929

U.S. Stocks vs. 10-Year Treasuries Returns Since 1929.png

Performance by Asset Class Since 2003

Performance by Asset Class Since 2003.png

Commodity Prices

Commodity Prices.png

MSCI All Country World ex-U.S. and S&P 500 Index

MSCI All Country World ex-U.S. and S&P 500 index.png

Historical Dollar Value and its Impact on International Returns

Historical Dollar Value and its Impact on International Returns.png

Duration of the Barclays U.S. Aggregate

Duration of the Barclays U.S. Aggregate.png

Real Estate Statistics since 1980

Real Estate Statistics since 1980.png

Economic Expansions and Recessions Since 1900

Economic Expansions and Recessions Since 1900.png

S&P Composite Index Historical Evolution

S&P Composite Index Historical Evolution.png

S&P 500 Intra-Year Declines VS. Calendar Year Returns Since 1980

S&P 500 Intra-Year Declines VS. Calendar Year Returns Since 1980.png

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