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House Price Index Vs. Owners’ Equivalent Rent of Residences Since 1990

House Price Index Vs. Owners’ Equivalent Rent of Residences Since 1990.png

Funds with Low Fees and Large Ownership Outperformed the Index

Funds with Low Fees and Large Ownership Outperformed the Index.png

Active Vs. Passive Has Been Cyclical (Since 1975)

Active Vs. Passive Has Been Cyclical (Since 1975).png

Equities are the Best Way to Build Wealth (Since 1926)

Equities are the Best Way to Build Wealth (Since 1926).png

Financial Goals Get More Expensive Over Time (1970 Vs. 2017)

Financial Goals Get More Expensive Over Time (1970 Vs. 2017).png

A Market Correction is an Opportunity

A Market Correction is an Opportunity.png

Don’t Try to Time the Market

Don’t Try to Time the Market.png

Be Patient. Think Long Term. (Since 1993)

Be Patient. Think Long Term. (Since 1993) 2.png

Be Patient, Think Long Term (Since 1993)

Be Patient. Think Long Term. (Since 1993).png

Recognize Market Dips Are Painful, but Inevitable (Since 1980)

Recognize Market Dips Are Painful, but Inevitable (Since 1980).png

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